Tagged: JORDAN

Jordan flag zastava

Jordan flag zastava

Jordan flag zastava

Jordan is middle east, asian country



sunset in Wadi Rum, Jordan

Middle East for 1 month

My trip to Middle East was completly unplanned. I got good offer and I changed job. So now I had to spend 1 month of vacation days in short period of time (2 months)....

parliament, Budapest, Hungary

To Budapest

Next morning, after I woke up I headed to breakfast, there I saw again Italians. I was back to room to do some packing. At 11h I checked out, enjoyed a tea and conversation...

beach, Aqaba, Jordan

Aqaba resting

I woke up at 8h, went for breakfast and back to room to rest some more. Around noon went out again. I walked to beach, mosque, castle. On my way tried Mc there, not...

Al Aqsa golden dome, old Jerusalem, Israel

Around Jerusalem

I woke up early, showered, repacking and I was out before 8 am. I walked to Jaffa gate into Old town. Moved around diffetent qarters until city was not fully woke and not too...

bus Eilat-Jerusalem, Israel

To Jerusalem

During night I checked for the stars but moon was up, so mo luck. My back was hurting from sitting on the floor. After breakfast around 7 AM we returned to Wadi Rum, 5...

sunset in Wadi Rum, Jordan

Wadi Rum-day in desert

I woke at 5am, packed, 8collected laumdry and went to bus station. Plan was to go north and cross border at Jericho but it was complicated and on Friday. So I changed my mind...

Monastery, Petra, Wadi Musa, Jordan

Petra by day

After few hours of sleep I packed and walked to Petra. At 6 am there was already crowd in ticket line. Still I was among first ones. From gates some 10 minutes walk to...

Petra by night, Wadi Musa, Jordan

Mt. Nebo and Petra by night

In the morning, after breakfast, same taxi picked me at hotel. I paid 30 JD for half day. We drove to Mt. Nebo where Moses saw promised land before dying. There you have nice...

Citadel , Amman, Jordan

Dead sea and Amman

Woke up at 7:30 after few hours of sleep and went to breakfast, omlette and some cheese and vegetables. From there moved to sea. It was interesting experience swiming in that water, different then...

Archaeological Park of Kato (Paphos) - Cyprus

Paphos to Amman

After a night out I woke tired, missed breakfast, and went to the pool where I was alone. Bought water and coke, 4 €. After checkout at noon I first went to King Tombs,...