To Jerusalem

During night I checked for the stars but moon was up, so mo luck. My back was hurting from sitting on the floor. After breakfast around 7 AM we returned to Wadi Rum, 5 JD tip for guide. Franch couple took me with rented car to Aqaba, police stopped us, we got 20 JD speeding ticket.

To Jerusalem 1

In Aqaba we went for a drink, 3 JD. I took cab to border, 10 JD. A bit longer time to cross to Israel. There I took 300 NIS. Walked to Aqaba, a couple with car stopped and took me half way to station, gave me Pepsi.

At the mall and gas station I asked for directions, all people were nice but not.all helped. At station I bought return ticket to Jerusalem, 137 NIS. I had 3 h to spent, went around not nice city. All  was closed on Saturday – sabat. I bought water 7 NIS, big kebab for 45 NIS. Later I returned to station, filled phone, checked mails, booked accomodation. A bus ride was more than 4h. It was nice bus with wifi, charger, not to crowded.

To Jerusalem 2

On arrival I walked on Jaffa street to hostel/hotel. At address I could not enter, nice local helped, called owner. After relxing in room with Netflix – Ricky and Morty, I went out to check night life. A beer in store was 3 €, in bar 10 €. Found Ethiopian cheap place, 3.5 € for beer in plastic cup. City was lively, many high school kids were out, there was street performance, some fight, traditional clothes …

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