Tagged: RENT A CAR

Apulia 2024 1

Apulia 2024

I combined holiday with weekend to visit Apulia in Italy. One of few parts I didn’t saw so far. One way I took train (free as employee) and on return I flew back. I...

Lecce-Galipolli-Brindisi-Ostuni-Bari 2024 2

Lecce-Galipolli-Brindisi-Ostuni-Bari 2024

I woke up at 5am, took shower, ate breakfast (selfservice) and drove to Gallipoli in fog. I arrived soon and parked car, 0.5€. It was nice experience walking in old town on island by...

Lecce-Matera-Alberobello 2024 3

Lecce-Matera-Alberobello 2024

Another long night on train, I slept a little in 15 minutes long periods. After we arrived in the morning, I streached and had a caffe 1.2 €. I took a short walk in...

Plaza de España, seville, spain

Seville 2024-extended weekend

With Nomago’s ex-colleagues, we planned a trip to Seville in 2023, but it didn’t happen because of work obligations. This year we tried again. After a trip to Asia, I was tired and forgot...

lvov-lviv, ukraine, train station

Ireland, Poland, Czechia, Lvov and Graz

The initial plan was to visit North Korea in August, but it remains closed till August 2024. So I searched for an alternative and Ireland came to mind as I didn’t visit it yet....

st patrick church dublin


I woke up at 6 a.m., had a shower, drank a cup of tea, and finished packing. It was time for the last drive on this trip, without help from Google. I arrived to...

road in green tunnel

Norther Ireland

Woke up before 6 a.m. and went on 20 minutes later. Now it was time for 5h ride on narrow roads toward Londonderry. I noticed the border was crossed just by different road signs....

clifs of moher, ireland

Kerry ring and Cliffs of Moher

I woke around 6 am, bathroom, biscuits for breakfast and I left 20 minutes later. Today it was a long ride in front of me. First I went south to the Ring of Kerry,...

St John's Parish, Kilkenny

To Dublin

I woke up at 2 am, shower and cigarette. With sister and niece we drove toward Zagreb, highway (1 €) was not empty. Arrived to Tuđman airport before 4 am. Sandwich, cigarette, water and...



I took a trip to 3 countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia) in this region bordered by the Great (North), Lesser (South) Caucasus mountain range, and the Black (West) and the Caspian (East) Sea. I...