Eastern Caribbean in 2024
I had been planning island hopping in the Eastern Caribbean (Lesser Antilles) for some time. Finally, I got an option to realize it. This trip included visiting some friends in England on my way...
Experiencing the Earth
I had been planning island hopping in the Eastern Caribbean (Lesser Antilles) for some time. Finally, I got an option to realize it. This trip included visiting some friends in England on my way...
With Nomago’s ex-colleagues, we planned a trip to Seville in 2023, but it didn’t happen because of work obligations. This year we tried again. After a trip to Asia, I was tired and forgot...
Japan is each traveler’s dream. I had a few plans so far, but until now I haven’t realized them. I started planning a 2-week vacation to Japan. While I was searching for possible flights...
I had 1 day of obligatory vacation and 1 day of holiday, so I combined it into 10 days of vacation. I skimmed for a destination and settled for Tunisia because of a good...
Belarus was the last country in Europe I didn’t visit yet. I had plans in the last few years but with the Ukaine-Russia war that was suddenly complicated. From Europe getting there would mean...
With Boštjan we started planning a trip to Central Asia in the summer. He already visited Kyrgyzstan before and wanted to do the Pamir highway. I had a wish of doing all 7 STANS...
The initial plan was to visit North Korea in August, but it remains closed till August 2024. So I searched for an alternative and Ireland came to mind as I didn’t visit it yet....
My trip to Middle East was completly unplanned. I got good offer and I changed job. So now I had to spend 1 month of vacation days in short period of time (2 months)....
Europe / Featured / Sport / Travel Diary
by Dzangir · Published 13/09/2022 · Last modified 08/09/2024
With colleagues, we decided to visit Naples and see one football match there. We finalized the game on the 11th of September against Spezia. Besides that, we tried to experience the city a bit...
I didn’t visit Norway yet, there were cheap flight tickets, I had extra vacation days and there were few people I would like to visit there. So I quickly bought tickets, got a vacation...
Belgrade was my next visit. With colleagues from work, we decided to visit this city and see the biggest football derby in the region. I like returning to this city because it has a...
Sicily was chosen for a long weekend from 5. till 8.2.2022. I was there 20 years ago and hoped to find another option but settled for it in the end. Bostjan found great tickets...
At the end of the year, I went to Andalusia, Vienna, and the Czech Republic. The first idea was to visit Jordan and maybe Israel. But Wizzair canceled our flight from Vienna. With Boštjan...
Italy is a beautiful destination. While in the year 2021 I had still many off days I decided to spend a week there. Ryanair had a cheap flight from Zagreb to Rome (13 €)....
Malta is a destination that has eluded me for a long time. Last at the time of Covid. I canceled the first flight last May and then again this February. Again, it was on...
Berlin was my last resort after all other travel plans didn’t come through this year. I just searched what connections are still possible from Ljubljana. Berlin was the only one not visited yet. Two...
Travel Diary / Featured / North America
by Dzangir · Published 12/11/2019 · Last modified 08/09/2024
In these 11 days (from 2019-11-01 till 2019-11-11 ) I saw 2 new countries (USA, CANADA), crossed 12+1+1 states (New York, New Jersy, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Michigan,...
Another of my notes, This time it is trip to Iceland. While I had 4 days to spend (weekend+companies vacation+holiday) I was in search of potential trips. Finally I found flight from Vienna to...
Trip to Madagascar was from 2.2. until 19.2.2019, altogether 17 days, 2 days to in from and rest on the island. In that time we made over 20.000 km. Mostly it was done in...
Travel Diary / Featured / North America
by Dzangir · Published 19/02/2018 · Last modified 08/09/2024
We saw some nice beaches, some nature, old towns; all in all good vibe. Trip to Panama and Costa Rica was nice but it had too much of the beach. It may sound weird...
Another record of my travel, mainly written for me to have some reminders. If somebody finds it amusing or informative than even better. I’ll start with a summary of the whole trip and after...
This was a trip to Sri Lanka with a short escape to the Maldives on return. This time we traveled with a kid 5 years old so we searched for a location that was...
General What should I write about the trip? I slept too little, spent too much, sweated a lot – stinky and dirty, battered from all corners, ultra tired, straight for the pool. But nevertheless,...
It is strang how I got to London over New Years holidays season. I saw one friend published on FB if someone would like free ticket to London. Most of comments were like can...
I was planning to do a road trip across the United States but others changed their mind and decided to do just the West coast. So I decided to join Boško in India. I...
The decision was made to make a circle around the Balkans with Boško during the New Year’s holidays (Serbia, Romania, Moldova, Transnistria, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo) Money Each country has its own currency: All...
Strange situation, I quit my old job and went on 4 weeks holiday to Mexico, to use my vacation that is left from the previous year. But on the day I return back from...
Featured / North America / Travel Diary
by Dzangir · Published 22/11/2005 · Last modified 08/09/2024
Klemen and I decided to go somewhere together, the idea was Cuba for 3 weeks. That was enough time to see the far east (Baracoa) to the far west (Maria la Gorda) and a...
It is possible to travel by various means of transport. But for longer distances, a plane is the best alternative. Traveling by plane has its rules. Here are ways to get the most out...
Travelling has become a very common activity in the last few decades. The world is now a global village. Not just because of the internet but also because the standard has increased, infrastructure has...
Sunday afternoon, I bought ticket online 16€. This was last game for Slovenian natinal women basketball team and it meant qualification for 5th consecutive European championship. I parked little further away from Slovan venue...
Saturday afternoon I was bored and went to a basketball game Olimpija vs IGOKEA. I had a problem parking, so I just left it somewhere. Bought a ticket for 11€ and went inside. I...
Today for lunch break I chose something lighter. I went to Meat the Meat, a place owned by Kodilja. They are known for quality meat and meat products. This location in Plečnik’s arcade is...
After work, I met ex-coworkers from Nomago and we went to Žak stadium for a game. We arrived a bit late, just as Primorje scored from a penalty (Gulič). But Bravo played better and...
We landed at 4 am at Barajas airport. We had to spend few early hours in Madrid before flight to Venice. I have now Diners credit card and with it 4 times per year...
In the morning we had breakfast, bread and buter/jam. We had time last day so we were chiling and slowly packing. We bought some crossaints for 500 XOF/pc=0,75 €. With taxi we moved to...
We had continental breakfast next door, we saw there some nice overlanders. In the morning we took a walk around town, went shopping before ferry, 2600XOF=4€. We waited at port, I went for a...
In the morning again cookies for breakfast. We took short walk to port, on our way we saw palace, few statues, old town. After shower and packing we shared taxi with German to main...
For breakfast cookies and coffee. We walked to port, they would accept only cash. At ATM I used credit card Visa, mistake. They charged me for 250k XOF=411€ (5% comission by Visa + 5...