
Flag of Austria

Country in central Europe, capital Vienna, population 9 M.



Weekend in Bratislava, 2024 1

Weekend in Bratislava, 2024

Friday On Friday, while working I decided to visit Bratislava after decades. I asked the boss to leave earlier, went home, packed, ate something, and returned to the railway station. I took a taxi,...

Sports, balls

Slovenia vs Austria 1:1

This was the first game for the Nations League against Austria. I had a ticket for this game as a part of the package I bought in spring. After a good performance from the...

Bernina railway and around 2

Bernina railway and around

Bernina is one of the best scenic train rides in the world, located in the Alpes, starting in Swiss and ending in Italy. I had that in mind for some time but didn’t happen...

Doha-Ljubljana 3


In the morning we landed at Vienna airport. I had to wait two hours before last Flixbus (40 €) ride to Ljubljana. I run out cigarettes. I tried to buy it in shop, but...

prazniki, holiday

HOLIDAYS-2021 Slovenia & neighbors

Prazniki 2022 HOLIDAYS-2021 Slovenia, Avstria, Italia, Croatia, Hungary The tables below list public holidays and non-working days in Slovenia and neighboring countries. Weekends are marked in red, and working holidays are in italics. HOLIDAYS...

Golden Tulip Downtown, Abu Dhabi, UAE

To Abu Dhabi

After 3 day at home I was again on the road. From House Denk Simon drove me to Maribor. At bus station I waited few hours for Flixbus to Vienna. I enjoyed wine from...

train from vienna

Return home 22

In the morning I was searching my way back to the hostel, with tram and metro, closed my eyes for a second, and missed the station. Arrived soon enough in a hostel for checkout....

Vienna wit Borut and Miriam

Vienna 21

This was another slow day. First I woke at 7 but it was too early. A few hours later I packed and checkout at 11h. Bought a few things in the shop for breakfast,...

Airport Malaga

Malaga-Vienna 21

I woke up at 7:30, after the bathroom, I packed my things. Boško went out for coffee. We took the metro to the airport, 3 €. Some people had problems at check-in, for boarding...

Flixbus to Vienna

Start holiday trip ’21-Ljubljana

Again I am off from Ljubljana. This time is Spain, Andalusia. The original plan was to visit Jordan, but after a canceled flight, I chose Europe, something safer. Andalusia was in the plan for...