Capital of Slovenia

Sports, balls 0

ACH Volley:Zirrat 0:3

After work went home, ate lunch, and drove to Tivoli. Because of a traffic jam in front of parking, I was late. I entered the venue, the west stand was full, organized kids visit...

Sports, balls 0

Slovenia vs Finland 96:47

Sunday afternoon, I bought ticket online 16€. This was last game for Slovenian natinal women basketball team and it meant qualification for 5th consecutive European championship. I parked little further away from Slovan venue...

Sports, balls 0

Olimpija vs IGOKEA 85:90

Saturday afternoon I was bored and went to a basketball game Olimpija vs IGOKEA. I had a problem parking, so I just left it somewhere. Bought a ticket for 11€ and went inside. I...

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Bravo vs Primorje 3:1

After work, I met ex-coworkers from Nomago and we went to Žak stadium for a game. We arrived a bit late, just as Primorje scored from a penalty (Gulič). But Bravo played better and...

Barajas airport, Madrid, spain, sunrise 0

Madrid over Venice to Ljubljana

We landed at 4 am at Barajas airport. We had to spend a few early hours in Madrid before the flight to Venice. I have now Diners credit card and with it 4 times...

mic - concert 0


This was a concert of POP bends from the early century. These bends are Bepop (winner of the first talent show), Power Dancers, and Game Over in Sebastian. Back in the day, we would...

Dodo Pizza Ljubljana 1 0

Dodo Pizza Ljubljana

After work I had time before hockey game. I decided to go for.pizza. Dodo pizza is open more then 5 years in Ljubljana and it was time to try it. This chain of pizza...

Sports, balls 0

Olimpija Ljubljana vs KAC 3:6

It was time for one more hockey game. This time against KAC from Austria. Again I got a ticket from my employee, SŽ. Jure couldn’t join me because exam. So after work, I went...

Čiz taprav burger Žibert

Žibert restaurant Ljubljana

We got together with crew we used to sail each spring. Most of us were coworkers in some of companies. Not all of us live and work in Ljubljana. So Jan picked up (Taprav)...

Fidži, Sladica, Cvetličarna

NY ćevapi & Sladica

For more than 10 years now we have a tradition of visiting Sarajevo ’84 restaurant in the week before NYE. So this year, we were there again (Andreja, Katka, Rok, Ana, Romana). I took...