Tagged: FAMILY


Top Gun: Maverick with sister

My sister and I saw Top Gun for the first time 35 years ago in Kino Bežigrad, where our father took us. So when the second part came on screen, it was only logical...

Križanke - Podalpski sevdah

Podalpski sevdah in Križanke

By chance, I come across an ad for a concert called Podalpski sevdah. The title comes from a humorous name for the Ljubljana band tAman (successor of the group Dertum). Within the project “Zgodilo...

zagreb, vesna, ožujsko pub, tkalčičeva

Zagreb on way to Rome

I took one week of vacation and bought a ticket for a flight to Rome (13 €) from Zagreb. I decided to go a day before and spend it in Zagreb. I woke up...

bundek, Zagreb

Visiting Zagreb

My mother and I drove to Zagreb to visit family. There was no crowd on the way and we were at my uncle’s in an hour and a half. We were well received there,...

Ćevapi Zenica Piccolo

Zenica, Sarajevo and Mostar

Ljubljana-Zenica 4.8.2021 Mother had to go to Zenica. In order not to take the bus, I offered to drive her. I took the car from my sister. We woke up early, but still a...

meja, zastoj

55 hours to Bosnia and back

In these corona times and during the holidays, getting to Bosnia and coming back in 2 days was a challenge. However, this was not a holiday but a vis major. The following is a...

mulled wine and roasted chesnuts at home

Mulled wine and roasted chesnut

If we can’t get out for a cup of mulled wine and a portion of roasted chesnuts then we are going to prepare them at home. It was the first really cold day this...

Flag, Pula, Istria, Croatia

48 hours in Croatia

Because of COVID-19 from Slovenia, one can leave the country for 2 days without quarantine on return if there is a reason like property outside borders. While my family owns an apartment in Croatia...

Bled lake, Slovenia


Bled, as the most recognizable tourist destination in Slovenia, was due for a visit again. Today is the last beautiful day before it will get cold and I wanted to use it well. It...

Venice, Italy

Venice and Trieste

Because of the Covid-19, I am not moving anywhere, my vacation has failed and I had it. I was looking for alternatives to where I could go on a weekend trip. The idea for...