Zagreb on way to Rome
I took one week of vacation and bought a ticket for a flight to Rome (13 €) from Zagreb. I decided to go a day before and spend it in Zagreb.

I woke up a bit after 7, finished packing, ate breakfast, and called a taxi (6 €). Train (9 €) left the station at 8:30. On the border, we lost around half an hour for Green Pass control and border control, so we arrived late to Zagreb at 11:15. It was a cold and foggy morning in the city. I walked around Lenuci Green Horseshoe, a system of parks and squares. I passed a botanical garden (10HRK) with autumn colors of leaves. From there I passed Ilica, the main shopping street, and main square Ban Jelačič. I stopped at a cathedral that has one tower reconstructed after an earthquake. From there is uphill to Upper town, pass the Stone doors to medieval st Marko church on the square with parliament and president palace. From Lotrščak tower I descent back to ban Jelacic square to meet with Vesna at 13h under the clock.

Vesna was a classmate in primary school and we didn’t see each other for almost 30 years. We went to Tkalčičeva and sat in Ožujsko pub. We ordered some finger food and had a few beers. It was a nice afternoon and time passed quickly. To quick and I was skipped diner at Adela’s place. For farewell William schnaps and we said goodbyes in a park (20 €).

I had some problem with the taxi (10 €), didn’t have the correct address. But finally, I reached my cousin’s place. It was nice meeting all my relatives. I was a bit tipsy and tired so I fall asleep early.
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