Tagged: USA


USA – flag

Country in north America



empire state building, nyc, usa

USA trip recap

In these 11 days (from 2019-11-01 till 2019-11-11 ) I saw 2 new countries (USA, CANADA), crossed 12+1+1 states (New York, New Jersy, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Michigan,...

Chicago Board of Trade Building, usa


After the bathroom, I packed my stuff and we went out for breakfast. At Water Street Coffee Joint (Downtown) I had a burrito and coffee (15$). It was already time to say goodbye at...

house, kalamazoo, michigan, usa


It was time for the last 10 hours Greyhound (91C$) bus ride to Kalamazoo over Detroit at 1 AM. There I had a nice talk to a Korean girl studying for a nurse in...

Niagara falls, canada/usa


I woke up after 6h of sleep at 7 AM. I showered then I eat eggs and hot dogs for breakfast. It was time to say goodbye to Avdo and I was on the...

car, endwell, usa

Road trip

The next morning, I was up for a slow start. After the bathroom, I packed my things. To be prepared for a long drive I ate the rest of ćevapi. Cousin’s third daughter drove...

ćevapi, manchester, usa


Even I was tired I couldn’t sleep long, I woke up at 7 AM. I had ham and eggs for breakfast. In went to community laundry, so I could have clean clothes for the rest...

Boston, usa


And yet another 5h Greyhound (15$) bus ride to Boston, late arrival. Went to Chinatown, while it was early everything was closed. It started to rain, went back to South station. There I went...

the MET, nyc, usa

Museums of NYC

After a few hours, it was time to leave the hostel and I went to Manhattan again. It was a day for Museums. But first I said let’s try to skate (12$). After one...

manhatten, nyc, usa

NYC #1

We went to bed around 1 AM, woke up 6h/7h later (daylight saving), packed and it was 1h ride back to Philadelphia. Nice countryside, Amish buggies, talk with Glendon about life in general. And...

Washington Monument, DC, USA

DC & Philly

Greyhound bus (18$) boarded at 1:00 AM. For boarding they had priority, seats were comfortable with enough legroom, the internet was on and off, power sockets and toilet were available. While it was half...