Cuba 2005
Klemen and I decided to go somewhere together, the idea was Cuba for 3 weeks. That was enough time to see the far east (Baracoa) to the far west (Maria la Gorda) and a...
Experiencing the Earth
Cuba – flag
Country in Caribbean
Featured / North America / Travel Diary
by Dzangir · Published 22/11/2005 · Last modified 08/09/2024
Klemen and I decided to go somewhere together, the idea was Cuba for 3 weeks. That was enough time to see the far east (Baracoa) to the far west (Maria la Gorda) and a...
I arrived home by day. Slept for a couple of hours. Still weak outside the house saw they run the Havana Marathon. Packed up and slowly to town. Take a walk around town, buy...
In the morning we visit some market with artist selling their work. In center all streets were crowded with different street performers Old part was full of turist and girls taking foto, at Malecon...
We afforeded ourselves a cold drink and slow internet in fancy hotel We turnied into Chinatown In the evening we met again with czech crew. They explained ocho, baseball, … We finished in an...
This time in Havana we lived close to the Cristobal Colon cemetery. We went there in the morning. There were different graves, from revolutionaries, destroyed ones or with great detailed statues. In one corner...
It was time to move back to Havana with Viazul morning bus over Pinar del Rio, 3 hours. We visited the ZOO. Havana has two ZOOs so because of misunderstanding we walked long until...
This was a day for the beach so we took a minibus to Maria La Gorda, beach 2-3 hours away. It is a typical paradise scenery, white sand, blues sea, hammock, palm trees. But...
In the morning a rooster woke us up. We walked to the prehistoric wall. That is a huge painting on one side of a hill that represents evolution. It is big, it is colorful...
On our first day, we went to an Indian cave (Cueva del Indio). We moved there by taxi. The first part of the visit is on foot and you finish with a boat. Altogether...
Nakon što nismo najbolje spavali (slaba energija u sobi), spakirali smo se i pokupio nas je bicitaxi (rikša z biciklom). Jedva smo složili svu prtljagu i ukrcali i nas. Vozač je bio malen i...