Cvetličarna is a club in Ljubljana

mic - concert 0


This was a concert of POP bends from the early century. These bends are Bepop (winner of the first talent show), Power Dancers, and Game Over in Sebastian. Back in the day, we would...

Fidži, Sladica, Cvetličarna

NY ćevapi & Sladica

For more than 10 years now we have a tradition of visiting Sarajevo ’84 restaurant in the week before NYE. So this year, we were there again (Andreja, Katka, Rok, Ana, Romana). I took...


NOFX in Ljubljana

NOFX was on their last tour and I was late to buy tickets. But on the last day I found one ticket online, 70 €. I went to the train station to pick it...


Brkovi in Cvetličarna

Brkovi had 20th annevarsairy in Cvetlicarna. This bend combine punkrock with balkan folk music. They reminded me of Nervozni poštar, from 80’s. Maybe Vatrogasci with their parodies in Al Wird Jankovich maner can be...


Rambo Amadeus in Cvetličarna

I’ve been wanting to hear Antoni Pušić aka Rambo Amadeus live for a long time. I have been listening to his music for a quarter of a century, but now I finally had the...