Belgrade 22

I woke again at 7 after a few hours of sleep but at breakfast, I was first. We assembled and discussed plans for that day. I opted for a solo day and visiting friends from Belgrade.

Others went to the stadium, took a whole tour, went around town, enjoyed a meal at Skadarlija, and after rest, we met at a pizza place Tutto Bene for dinner.

Belgrade 22 1

I rested, went for a pita with spinach at Fofa 210 RSD. Later I met at Rob Roy with Igor and Danko. We had nice chat and later they took me to Galerija mall. I meet Olja at gate C2 and went to Pupin for a drink. We had a lot of catching up to do since we didn’t see each other for 15 years. Next were Ana and Guta. They picked me up at the mall and we drove to Brodić, an alternative bar on water that offered nice IPA and pizza.

I returned to the hotel and meet co-travelers in Tutto Bene pizza place, had OK pizza there. After dinner, I took a taxi 400 RSD to Tempermant (restaurant/bar/club) at Beton hala to met with Mateja and her friends. It was packed with tough guys and beautiful women. To many people in small place, an interesting scene, live music, show. At 21h they ate dinner, at 22h live music started and half an hour later everyone was dancing (đuskanje). I had some white wine and rakija, 100 €.

Belgrade 22 2

Around 3h I walked towards hotel and stumble upon club Gajba that was open until 7 when I finally arrived home. Here it was even worse, crowd-wise. Different music on 4 floors. Met some locals, Czech, people from Croatia and Slovenia.

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