ZOO in Horjul

This zoo is located in the village of Vzrdenec in the municipality of Horjul. From Ljubljana, we need a little less than half an hour to this park, along the old road, along the highway across Vrhnika, or the road to Horjul. The story of the park or zoo is interesting. The owner Jože Rožmanec is a big animal lover. In his park, he tries to provide peaceful last days for discarded, written off, damaged, and abused animals. He attends to all these animals at his own expense. Last but not least, he had to buy them from the owners who would otherwise have killed the animals. It is funded by voluntary contributions. So a visit to this park has another humanitarian note.

ZOO in Horjul 1

Alenka and I went there on a beautiful Sunday in May. After parking, we head towards the buildings and continue up the hill through the park. We meet Jože, who explains a bit about the park. Also the sad story of Tim the bear that was saved from being killed and stuffed. However, he was not safe in the park either. Someone shot him one night and he barely survived. The perpetrator was never found. Here you can find on a square kilometer, among 200 animals many different spices, from those found on local farms to those from exotic places. When you are in the park, do not feed the animals yourself. For the little ones, there is an opportunity to play with the sheep and like. However, do not approach cages with big animals because they are dangerous. After about an hour of walking around the park, we finished the tour, gave our contributions, and headed towards home.

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