Zmelkoow on Orto fest 2024
I visiting friend in Venice and it took more time then expected, so now I was in hurry back to Ljubljana, not to miss too much of concert by Zmelkoow (ticket 16 €). With stop for gas and searching for parking I arrived to Orto bar around 9:50 PM. I miised half of concert as they were playing more then hour already.
But there was time to enjoy rest of it. Got myself a beer (4 €) and to the concert. Zmelkoow is bend from coast in Slovenia. This can be seen in their accent and lyrics with cinizem. Up to 400 people gathered there, not just my age but youngsters as well. Most were from coast as bend is. After 2 hours they returned for encore and at 11 pm it was finished.
Concert was long enough even I missed half, cheap and with good vibe. Later I went out for smoke and drink and talked to some bend crew.I didn’t feel like going home and continued to Metelkova. At Channel Zero there was some young bend performing “mal pre mal”, 12 € ticket, left after few songs. At Mariča there was some Italian metal bend (8 €), great energy …