Venice day trip 2024

Lili was coming to Italy and she had few of my things that I forgot in Armenia. Closest she came to Slovenia was Venice and we agreed to meet there. I went early so I could walk on my own a bit before we meet. I woke up before 5 am, ate 2 eggs, and left soon. First quick stop at gas station (45 €) before driving. It was empty highway. Another stop at Vrtojba for cigarette before leaving Slovenia.

Good ride in nice weather. I drove to Punta Sabbioni (north side of lagoon) for cheap parking, 7€ for 12 hours. There were even spots for 5€ per day. This part was on regional roads, last part in great pine alley.

After parking I bought ticket for boat (vaporetto) transport, 25 € daily ticket. I misscalculated and waited 30 minutes for boat and left at 8:55 to Burano. Burano was nice in morning sun, not to crowdy, colorful. I spent half an hour before moving on to Murano. Again I had to wait for boat, this time with beer, 5 €. I talked to couple from Taiwan as I was going there in a week.

burano, venice, italy
burano, venice, italy

Firs Idea was to visit Murano island, stop there at glass blowing shop, bought few gifts. But with all waiting for boats there was no time. It was time to move to Venice and meet Lili and Lilit. I walked form port to their hotel and they just picked me up from crowed. We went for a lunch and drink. We got two pizzas (diavola and fruti di mare, not worth mentioning, 15 e one and beer was 8 €, 54 for all). We talked about things that hapen to us since met last time, about future plans.

drink with armenian friends, venice, italy
drink with armenian friends, venice, italy

They had plan to see St Lazzaro island with armenian monastery. That was something new for me so I joned them. Again waiting for vaporetto. On arrival we split in groups by language, ticket 10 €. In last 300 years armenian monks changed this island that was hospic for sick of plague and leparcy into florishing monastary that specialized in printing and science. They endured many challanges and today it is still partially monastery partially museum. Printing got obsolite.

st lazzaro di armeni, venice, italy
st lazzaro di armeni, venice, italy

We returned to Venice, girls moved on and I waited again for boat to Punta Sabbioni. On arrival I saw that I parked incorrectly and got fine, 30 €! It was time to move back ho.e because I had to catch concert by Zmelkoow. On my way to Ljubljana I had one stop at gas station, 45 €. I hope there will not be any speeding tickets.

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