Metelkova is an autonomous social and cultural centre in the city centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Zmelkoow on Orto fest 2024

I visiting friend in Venice and it took more time then expected, so now I was in hurry back to Ljubljana, not to miss too much of concert by Zmelkoow (ticket 16 €). With...

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Torulsson & Skinar

We started the night in Čin Čin. There we had a nice talk and celebration of a friend’s birthday. Later in the evening, we moved to Gala hala on Metelkova to a concert Torulsson...

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Miki Solus in Gala Hala

Friday evening, I move to Metelkova. There is a Miki Solus concert in the Gala Hall, the ticket is a small change. I’m going to see it, it’s not a bad atmosphere, the humorous...



Robi suggests a Koffin Kats concert. I didn’t know them before, they play an interesting subgenre of punk, psychobilly. The trio from Detroit has real energy, the singer plays the double bass as an...