Križanke is concert venue (open-air theatre) and high school in reconstructed monastery by Plečnik


Zlatko in Križanke

Zlatko aka Zlatan Čordić was preparing a big concert at Križanke, Ljubljana with title Prek trnja do zvezd (Through thorns to the stars) after 18 years long career. I bought ticket almost half a...

mic - concert

Perpetuum Jazzile in Križanke

After work, I went home to eat something, relax a bit, and moved to Daktari to meet Svena and Gregor. After one drink and catching up, I walked to Križanke for a concert by...

Križanke - Podalpski sevdah

Podalpski sevdah in Križanke

By chance, I come across an ad for a concert called Podalpski sevdah. The title comes from a humorous name for the Ljubljana band tAman (successor of the group Dertum). Within the project “Zgodilo...


Pixies+Koala voice-KRIŽANKE-12.7.2017

For Alenka’s birthday, we went to Križanke for a Pixies concert. We were in no hurry to join first band Koala voice (Manca Trampuš, Domen Don Holc, Tilen Prašnikar and Miha Prašnikar), a Slovenian...


Bajaga in Križanke

I met Alenka in the evening on Friday. After 4 years we are back to Bajaga concert in Križanke. Only this time we didn’t went inside, but sat outside on the bench and had...


Niet – Križanke – 31.5.2010

Niet were preparing the concert Čas za revolucijo – Time for Revolution in Križanke 31.5. to promote the new album 13, which is released on April 13 with thirteen songs. This is actually their...


Morricone, Križanke, 27.8.2008

It was hot summer night and we met behind križanke (Alenka, Boštjan, Matija). Križanke hosted Ennio Morricone with orchestra Roma Sinfonietta and chore Coro Lirico Sinfonico Romano as part of Festival Ljubljana We opened...