Czech republic - Česška republika

Czech republic – flag

Czech Republic is country in Europe with capital city Prague


lvov-lviv, ukraine, train station

Ireland, Poland, Czechia, Lvov and Graz

The initial plan was to visit North Korea in August, but it remains closed till August 2024. So I searched for an alternative and Ireland came to mind as I didn’t visit it yet....

Jindřišská Tower, Prague

Prague and Brno

After not enough sleep same routine: bathroom and packing. While didn’t have time the day before I took a walk in Wroclaw. In the old town I forgot about the time, so I had...

train from vienna

Return home 22

In the morning I was searching my way back to the hostel, with tram and metro, closed my eyes for a second, and missed the station. Arrived soon enough in a hostel for checkout....

malaga airport

Andalusia, Vienna and Czech republic 21/22

At the end of the year, I went to Andalusia, Vienna, and the Czech Republic. The first idea was to visit Jordan and maybe Israel. But Wizzair canceled our flight from Vienna. With Boštjan...

Praha castle

Prague 21/22

After showering, I went downstairs for breakfast. Soon it was time to leave. Zbynek took me to the station and I was off to Prague. Took a beer and chips, 68 czk on a...

Rožnovsky pivovar

Rožnov pod Radhoštem 21

Because I went early to bed night before I woke up at 5 am. Slowly packing and moving to train station. First, it was a train to Hranice na Moravě. There I waited 40...

statue in Brno

Brno 21

I woke up early, 5:30. An hour later I was on a train. There were some problems with seats because they changed coaches. But the train was nice, multimedia, wifi, water, newspapers, view of...

Jindřišská Tower, Prague

Prague NYE

This time I went with Igor to celebrate a new year and we chose Prague. Again it was an organized trip, the last time I traveled this way. We went there on the bus....