Rožnov pod Radhoštem 21

Because I went early to bed night before I woke up at 5 am. Slowly packing and moving to train station. First, it was a train to Hranice na Moravě. There I waited 40 minutes and ate goulash, 25 CZK – 1 €. Next was 20 min train ride to Valašske Meziriči.

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At the station, Zbynek picked me up with Audi Q7. We drove to Rožnov where his family joined us. Together we went to an open-air museum with traditional houses (Zatopek, Raška), and there we had a traditional meal at Hospoda Na posledním groši, kiselica soup, and some njoki.

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Then it was time for a visit to the local brewery for beer tasting. We had some nice beers. Later it was just me and Zbynek, debating about various topics. Some cheese spread was served.

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We then walked to a restaurant in a 4-star hotel while the rain poured on us discussing Japanese movies. His wife joined us. I had dill soup and duck with red cabbage. After sljivovica for digestive, we went to their home in Dolni Bečva and I was in bed before midnight in the spiritual room.

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Another great day with hosts in the Czech republic. They were taking time for me, showing me around, keep me well fed and not thirsty for a second.

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