Sevilla-Cadiz 21

We woke up early, after making plans we went into town. First to the cathedral with Moorish tower (searched for a place with ćevapi) and then to the parasol. In pension, we checked out and moved south.

Sevilla-Cadiz 21 1

The first stop was at the bakery and then towards Placa de Espania through park Maria Luisa. After we went for a sandwich. We waited for Bla Bla cars ride, 9 €. This ride was something, crowded in the back with a kid sleeping on Boško’s shoulder, from the ceiling something was hanging and then we got a bad review.

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Cadiz was a great place and quite a discovery of this trip, sunny, small, cozy. When we finished settling in a hostel Casa Caracol with a terrace (15 €), we explored around town. After walking on the beach we sat for a beer and watched the sunset. It was time to make a few calls back home. In a hostel, it got a bit wild for the Christmas dinner they made us, 10 €. We brought our drinks and tried local meals. Interesting talk with people from different countries and different ages.

Sevilla-Cadiz 21 3

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1 Response

  1. 10/01/2022

    […] Day 5 – Sevilla to Cadiz […]