Palermo Mobello Monreale

After bad sleep, shower, and coffee with brioche for breakfast we went out. At the main station check options of transport, a bit confusing. Over city center to the bus, saw some interesting fountains (Quattro Canti), garbage. Tried some famous cannoli for 2.5 €.

Palermo Mobello Monreale 1

With the bus, we moved to beach Mobello, a 3.5 € daily ticket for public transportation. With Bosko we went into cold water, relaxed later on the sun with cold beer, 2.5 €.

Palermo Mobello Monreale 2

We needed 3 buses and 2h to reach Monreale (hill in the south), non of the buses was on schedule. While waiting we played some cards, tarok. On top of the hill, we went into an interesting cathedral, 6 €. Quick pizza 5 €. Still waited for the bus for more than half an hour because we didn’t read the schedule correctly.

Palermo Mobello Monreale 3

It was time for dinner and the selection process was intense. Lots of failed tries finished in half fast food, waiters confused, in the end, enjoyed some fun moments. On our way home, we enjoyed music from some street performers. Finished in front of TV with beer.

Palermo Mobello Monreale 4

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1 Response

  1. 15/02/2022

    […] Palermo Mobello Monreale […]