Start holiday trip ’21-Ljubljana
Again I am off from Ljubljana. This time is Spain, Andalusia. The original plan was to visit Jordan, but after a canceled flight, I chose Europe, something safer. Andalusia was in the plan for a long time and because there were budget flights from Vienna and I had a bus ticket to Vienna airport.
After an intense weekend in castle Otočec on Monday, I had some work to finish at the office. After work, I had quick lunch and then spoke for two hours in lectures. Sister took me to the bus station around 20h. Some familiar face there, we spoke a bit. 20 minutes later we bordered Flixbus (20 €) to Wien with Boštjan, starting a few minutes late.
The first station was in Maribor. A short stop with enough time for cigarette, toilet, and to see cigarette ikebana above. After stopping at the gas station it was time for border control. We all had to step off the bus, there we showed id and covid pass. While waiting there was enough time for a cigarette. In Graz was a quick stop at the station. After midnight was my birthday so we had rum cola (Havana club) – Boštjan brought on the bus. It felt so high school. First, we stopped in the city and then finally at the airport in Vienna. We arrived around 2 AM.
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