Tagged: SOUSSE

Sousse is coastal city in Tunisia, population 275k

Ribat in Monastir, Tunisia

Tunisia and Algeria 2024

I had 1 day of obligatory vacation and 1 day of holiday, so I combined it into 10 days of vacation. I skimmed for a destination and settled for Tunisia because of a good...

Tunis to Sousse, Monastir Kairouan and El Jam 1

Tunis to Sousse, Monastir Kairouan and El Jam

I woke up before 5 am, checked out, and with Bolt moved to the main train station Barcelona, 7 TND=2.1 €. For breakfast, I took a croissant and water 3 TND=0.9 €. In kiosk...

Botanical garden, Algiers, Algeria

Algiers to Tunis

This morning I was in no hurry to get up. After bathroom and packing it was time to check out. Again went to the shop for breakfast, bananas, and water, 350 DTD=2.4 €. I...