Tagged: MALAGA

Malaga is costal city in Andalusia, Spain known by nighr life

Airport Malaga

Malaga-Vienna 21

I woke up at 7:30, after the bathroom, I packed my things. Boško went out for coffee. We took the metro to the airport, 3 €. Some people had problems at check-in, for boarding...

Malaga beach

Malaga 21

Last day in Malaga we took it easy. After not the best sleep we met in the kitchen for breakfast, 2€. Boško ate for 5 people. We went out, slowly around the historical center,...

Gibraltar rock

Gibraltar-Malaga 21

At 6 AM Bosko woke me up, I was not in the best shape. We moved to the port where we were picked up by Bla Bla cars driver. She drove us to Gibraltar,...