Japan and path there 2024
Japan is each traveler’s dream. I had a few plans so far, but until now I haven’t realized them. I started planning a 2-week vacation to Japan. While I was searching for possible flights...
Experiencing the Earth
Greece is country in Europe with capital Athens
Japan is each traveler’s dream. I had a few plans so far, but until now I haven’t realized them. I started planning a 2-week vacation to Japan. While I was searching for possible flights...
After a not-good sleep, I went to a nearby hotel for breakfast (kavurma, egg, bread, juice, coffee) which was included in the price. From there I walked to the Acropolis (46 € ticket for...
Typical morning, bathroom, breakfast, sister driving me to airport Brnik. While waiting for the check-in flight (no online check-in in Ljubljana) to Belgrade was delayed half an hour. After security and passport control, I...
First try After work Igor and Sašo picked me up with old Opel Vectra and we were on our way to Sarajevo. We were around Zagreb when we called Mirza to tell him we...
The graduation trip was made in 2002. I didn’t know until the last minute if I would go, because I had some exams to pass until then. After exams, I bought a trip with...