Leaving Paris for Ghent
Wake up late around 9AM. After the shower, I packed and went out in bad weather for shopping Champs Elysees, 3,4 € train.
While girls were too choosy I bought one plain Benetton black t-shirt 7,4 € while I was running out of clean things. After saying goodbyes to girls I went for ice cream 4,6 €. It was a good one.
It was time for WC 0,7 €. While it was raining I decided to visit Louvre. After half an hour waiting in rain, I gave up, while I should be waiting for an extra 2 hours. I tried Chinese food 10,7 €. Went for a coffee 2,6 €. In the shop, I spent 3 €. It was time for a ride with Gallieni Eurolines bus to Ghent 18:00-21:30, 40 €.
While I was waiting I had to go again to WC, it was Kitzbuhl this time 0,4 €.
The bus ride was nice. While the bus was mainly empty I took the whole back row with 5 seats just for me, enough I could stretch and sleep.
After we arrived at Gent I walked to the city center. There I ordered juice 2,2€ so I had wifi and I could find a hostel 24,5 €. In the end, I found a nice one. After unpacking and shower, I went to bed in a dorm where I was alone.