Konvoi movie – liffe 2024

Again we were late to organize our self for 35. liffe film festival and Andreja just got tickets (7€) for movie that still had seats. It was Norwegian movie Konvoi. I drove to tenant and to gas station before parking in city center. I met Andreja at Papilion (nice place) for drink (18 €) before going to Cankarjev dom.

We entered Linhartova dvorana just as movie begun, nice seats in the middle, but not comfortable. Lady sitting in fron frowned at us few times? As for movie it is dark war scenary with drama about decisions, justifing Norwegian role in WWII.

After movie we met Andrej and Klemen. Klemen joined us for a drink. After search we finished in Žmauc. I came late home but it was nice evening

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