Koh Lanta-Bangkok
In the morning we packed. Hutyee bought breakfast, rice with some topping in banana leaf. Finally, the van came for us (2000 THB). We were picking others all around the island, some places were really nice resorts. It was a long ride, we were even on the ferry for a short time. We arrived at Krabi and had a few hours to spend before the next ride. So we walked around town, went uphill to the temple. The rain was closing in but Barbara wanted to see the market and buy some fruit. So we missed the dry time to come to the agency. The rain was really pouring. After a half-hour of waiting, we stopped 2-row to take us close to the agency and as we came there the rain stopped. Next was a short ride with a van to the bus. After a few hours, we stopped and changed to the VIP bus, but it was worse ride so far, smelly, no space for legs. On the way, we crossed some flooded parts, water on road some half meter high. We had one more stop on the way for a meal, again it was bad but while hungry we eat some rice with some sauce (130 THB) and had a beer (140 THB).