Isalo NP

The next morning it was time for Isalo national park, 330 000 ARI for all. There we saw some birds, insects, butterflies, some maki from far. But the main thing to see was canon with the river. After some climbing, while it was hot we came to 2 pools. In one of those pools, girls went into the water. Girls went further to some waterfall. My leg was not in best shape so I turn back and got lost a bit.

Isalo NP 1

After tracking we had some lunch, zebu, and beer 80 000 ARI for all. We moved on and we stopped in Ilakaka, sapphire mine town. There we saw some gem exhibition and a few turtles in the garden. Surroundings change to rocky hills. Finally, 4 hours later we arrived in Toliara. We stayed at the hotel Amazon, girls got a better room. We had few beers at the terrace and two bars with some snacks with Jerry while this was our last night together 50 000 ARI. A lot of children were there begging in the street, Jerry bought them some food.

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