Dakar to Banjul

Alarm at 5:30, quick breakfast (homemade sandwich, Malarone, coffee, bread and jam). Than we walked to bus station, 25 minutes on dusty roads.

Dakar to Banjul 1

From there we moved to Banjul border with bus (24k XOF=36 € 2 tickets). No leg space again in last raw, we started 30 minutes late, one stop at gas station and one for toilet.

Dakar to Banjul 2

We stopped for safari 5km before border with Gambia at Fathala Wildlife Reserve. We paid 66k XOF=100€ for both (18k per person + 30k per car, just two of us) for safari that lasted 90 minutes. In jeep with guide and driver we circled around park, 2 water holes and around bushes. We saw one rhino, many zebras, different types of antilopes, warthogs, monkeys, giraffes. On return car broke down. They also offer lodge and walk with lions but that was to commercial.

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We left reserve and hitchiked, first car stopped. We needed to walk to border around 1 km in 40 degrees. At border no extra problems (lady wrote just one person in notebook, no space for second, next office we got visa). We didnt need to pay for 72h transit visa, even opinion on internet was different. At border we changed 20€ to gambian dalasi 1€=72 dalasi, but in end you get 70 from mauretanian arabs. We met older guy from USA. Next leg of trip was to ferry at Barra by shared taxi, 150 dalasi.

Dakar to Banjul 4

Ferry was 70 dalasi for both. We waited at port, had a beer, 250 dalasi (expensive). Finaly we borded and after 1 hour ride we came to opposite shore. On our way many vendors selling everything

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We walk around half an hour around Banjul. We changed additional 30 €. Kid with dead mouse in his hands. Walk through market with smely fish. Military had problem with my camera, but they let me go without to much hassle. 50 dalasi was coke. We walked to arch, tried to get bus, ended with taxy, 500 dalasi.

Dakar to Banjul 6

In Sarawally Guesthouse nobody was there. We walked to Kings way for dinner. We paid for both 1250 dalasi. I ordered slimy okra (problem to eat this), hard beef, steamed bread, shwaarma with hot dog, spicy. We run out of electricity.

Dakar to Banjul 7

We return after shop to accommodation, I paid 20€=1400 dalasi. Electricity was out half an hour

Dakar to Banjul 8

Room had two beds, bathroom, balcony, breakfast included.

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