Bravo vs Connah’s Quay Nomads 0:1

This is first game by Bravo in any European competition. They qualified as 4th in Slovenian National league, 1st tier. They played against team from Walles, Connah’s Quay Nomads. Andreja invited me to the games as Nomago has some sponsor tickets. I met with her and Mateja before the game. Also other people form Nomago were there, Andrej, Borut, Matjaž, … We got seat in somewhere in the middle. There was also Ivan. Bravo got into the game with energy and attitude. They had few chances but didn’t score.

Bravo vs Connah's Quay Nomads 0:1 1

In halftime we were all optimistic but in second half guest were playing better and better until they scored in 87th minut (Ben Maher). They still have return game to change aggregat result and move to next round. After the game we had a drink outside venue, later we moved to Lepa žoga and Žmauc.

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