Blog statistics after 1 year

After one year it is time to review this blog. Here I’ll write about statistics from Google Analytics / WordPress Jetpack Plugin / Blue Host.

Visits – 10,350 / 13,200 / 21,748

Views – 22,250 / 23,750 / 907,820

Blog statistics after 1 year 1

The best months were May and June. Just around 11% are returned visitors. 2 thirds of traffic is from Slovenia (Ljubljana 40%), followed by 15% from the USA and 5% from Croatia. The rest of the visits are from additional 100 countries. 60 % are using Google (Android or Chrom), 30% safari, 5% Firefox and 2% Microsoft IE/Edge. 74% were using mobile (iPhone, Huawei, Samsung), 23% desktop, and 3% tablet. Operating systems: 50% Chrome, 30% Apple/iOS, 20% Windows, less then 1% Linux. The female vs male ratio is 49% vs 51 %. One-third of readers are in the age group 25-34. The average session duration is 53 seconds and the bounce rate of 82%. Most traffic is coming from Social 52%, Direct 35%, Referral (12%), Organic Search 1%. Got 10 € from Google AdSense and 10 € as a donation and had cost less than 40 €. 90% from Slovenia.

Casa Franco was the most read post with almost 1500 visitors. The best referrer was Facebook with almost 7,600 visits. Altogether there is 333 post in 3 languages (English, Slovenian, Bosniac) and this makes it almost 1000 post. With an average length of 215 words per post. The size of a site is over 2 GB of data, mostly it is taken by 2100 photos. Used bandwidth was 35 GB

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