Valencia birthday
I woke too late for my next ride, while I was playing PS4 long into the night. So I had to run and I forgot the toiletries and a charger at Rok’s place. I arrived at the train station (Estación de Sants) early, so panic was in vain. I had time for breakfast at Mc (7€), to buy some postcards (5€), and to smoke a cigarette before my ride to Valencia came (Blablacar, 25 €). The car was nice, but the driver didn’t speak English. There was also a third passenger that also didn’t speak English. On the way, we stopped once to stretch our legs. I was alone in the back seat but still didn’t get any sleep. Drop-off was at the train station in Valencia.

On my arrival at the station, I bought myself a beer (3€) and lit one of the last Muratti cigarettes for my b’day. Soon Miha arrived, and we enjoyed a beer while wandering the city center, from there we moved to the City of Arts and Sciences (souvenir 1€). In a shop, we bought drinks for the evening (20€) and went to the beach bar (7€). Miha prepared pasta with Chinese-style sauce for dinner in his improvised kitchen in a van. In the evening we went to a party at a student’s apartment, drinking, smoking, and playing cards/board games. We slept in his van (2 AM).