Slovenia vs Israel – Bonifica
I had nothing to do so I went to basketball game Slovenia vs Israel – Bonifica in Koper, 20 €. Now I had to decide how I will go there. I took bus, 2.9 €, 1:50. Part was on local roads, part on highway.
On arrival 15 minutes walk to Arena Bonifica. I was early so sat down for Punk IPA, 5.3 €. Soon it was time for game. Some protesters in front, against Israel ocupation of Palestina. We got fan scarf on entrance.

First quarter was second worst every played by Slovenian national team. One in 2014 world championship against Lithuania was close to this. We played with our 3rd team but still to score just 2 points in first 8 minutes …
It was goid tha Israel didn’t escape to far. So it was equlizade ba half-time. In 3rd quarter we were in comfortable lead and took easily game to an end with victory.
On exit I saw Aleš with daughter. I was hungry so I walked to McDonald’s, 10 €. I had time ro spend before last bus to Ljubljana at 22:30.

At station people was slowly gathering. One korean guy was in shorts, one retired soldier and nice looking girl. It was quite cold. Bus needed only 1:15 to Ljubljana. Taxi home, 8 €.