Americas – South – shape of country
In this quiz you will have questions about South America countries shape
#1. What country is this?
Argentina is correct answer.
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#2. What country is this?
Bolivia is correct answer.
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#3. What country is this?
Brazil is correct answer.
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#4. What country is this?
Chile is correct answer.
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#5. What country is this?
Colombia is correct answer.
You can read more on Wikipedia
#6. What country is this?
#7. What country is this?
Guyana is correct answer.
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#8. What country is this?
Paraguay is correct answer.
You can read more on Wikipedia
#9. What country is this?
Peru is correct answer.
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#10. What country is this?
Suriname is correct answer.
You can read more on Wikipedia
#11. What country is this?
#12. What country is this?
Venezuela is correct answer.
You can read more on Wikipedia