Malmö i Kajo
Probudio sam se u 10 sati s laganom mamurlukom. Uspio sam napustiti hostel oko 11 sati. Plan je bio posjetiti Malmö i popodne se naći s Kajotom. U trgovini sam kupio vodu i 3 ražnjiča od piletine, 10 €. Na putu do stanice probao sam hotdog s lokalnim različitim dodacima (svježi i karamelizirani luk, lokalni umak), bilo je ukusno, 5 €.
Za povratnu kartu u Malmö sam platio 24.5 €. Tamo stižem oko 13h.
Na putu u grad pojedem crveni curry s piletinom u Thai Wok, 10 €. U gradu odmorim uz pivo, 6.5 €.
Nisam mogao odnjet pivo preko puta u park na sunce. Zapalim cigaru i moram je ugasit jer su par mjeseci prije uveli zakon da se ne puši u ugostiteljskim lokalima. Stvarno su mu uzeli gušt.
I walked back to the station. Bought postcards, 2 €, and Juice 5 €. I arrived at Copenhagen's main station around 16h where I met with Kajo. From there we went to Reffen, a street food court with local breweries built in place of the previous dump. First, one station with a train and then slowly by boat. There we had a few beers at different places and a local grill to eat, 50+ €. With the bus, we returned to the city and then also drove one station with driverless metro to City Hall Square. All transport was paid with a special card that Kajo landed me so I don't know prices. We managed just before closing all bars at 22:00 (new law from that day) to order the last drink in a plastic cup. Then again walking to the hostel, sat a bit in front and it was time to say goodby and go to bed.