Moji štruklji restaurant

After lectures and before Wine path I stopped at Moji štruklji for lunch. It was their restaurant at Maximarket. I tried before Parma pizzeria but it was overcrowded.

Moji štruklji restaurant 1

I ordered Menu III (beef soup, beef roulade with potatoes, mixed salad and štruklji-dumplings with pumpin seeds and pistachio, 19 €).

I got soup soon. I didn’t like it because there were more carrots then noodles.

Moji štruklji restaurant 2

Main dish was ok, beef was stuffed with vegetables, average potatoes and not fresh arugula on side. Portion was on small side.

With štruklji I took chance with new filling, pistachio and pumpin seeds. It was served warm, taste was great even it was unusual combination for this dish.

Moji štruklji restaurant 3

I paid 22 € with cedevita for drink. In ngeneral nothing special but I will return for štruklji.

Plečnikove arkade (2024/07/26)

Their main location is located at Pogačar square under Plečnik arcades. I went there with Uroš for Lunch break. I took two pieces. One was with cottage cheese with crumbs and second with blueberries.

Moji štruklji restaurant 4

They were warm and tasty. Maybe fruty would be better cold. I got filled with it. I paid around 10 € for both.

Moji štruklji restaurant 5

Here they serve also homemade stews. There is also one location in BTC Mall and one in Bistra by Tržič.

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