Amsterdam 2003

With friends (Sašo, Igor, Erik) we took a vacation in Amsterdam for 1 week. We traveled both ways with a train. First, we had to change the train in Villach. The next change was in Munich where we had a few hours to wait. They kicked us out of the station for smoking. Igor and Mala 🙂 We moved to a bar owned by Albanian. There was a group of Nazis showing me their dog? On a train to Amsterdam, we got drunk and loud. Finally, we felt asleep on seats. In the morning I talked with Croatian artist. She went off the train in Utrecht.

We moved to a flat in Amsterdam we rented from the Chinese. We also rented there a car, Opel Zafira. Few days we stayed in Amsterdam. At that time we would walk around channels. In a shop, we bought food and drinks and wanted to pay with 500€ bill, that meant complication. We visited the Van Gogh museum, Ana Frank and the Rijk museum were too crowded.

In the evening we tried nightlife. One night we stayed in the apartment and had a party there. Obviously, we were wild, Evian water and broken toilet. With the car, we visited Utrecht (nice center), Rotterdam (late for the tower), Haag (tried visiting the prison, Milošević), Haarlem (small), Groningen and Oldenburg (Germany, kebab guy from Zenica). We drove more than 1.000 km and we had to pay extra, we didn’t read the small print. When we returned home we got a speeding ticket as well. Almost had an ‘accident’. Week went by quickly and it was time to go back. We went same way as we came.